What our students are saying….

David’s commitment to excellence has created a beautiful community of talented and knowledgeable herbalists.

I have enjoyed David Winston‘s two-year Clinical Herbalism program so much. I consider myself a novice herbalist and although I have known many of these plants, I never really understood them as well as I do now. David weaves history and science and mystery and magic all together to create a body of work that is beyond compare.And in this crazy world when it’s hard to separate truth from hyperbole, one thing I really appreciate is that I know that if David says something is true I can “take it to the bank”. I really admire and appreciate his commitment to this subject and to his students. In addition to David’s amazing classroom teaching, the written information that we received  is a tremendous resource that I will use forever more. Additionally, the other lecturers that are involved with this class are tremendously  talented as well and I enjoyed their input very much. I really can’t imagine not doing this course; it has been well worth the investment

Jamie Moran, DVM | Class of 2020