Become the Herbalist You Want to Be

Comprehensive Clinical Herbalist Training Programs

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Our Philosophy

Great herbalists treat people, not diseases

In our program we strive to teach the skills necessary so that each student can accomplish that goal. We focus on differential diagnosis skills, materia medica and therapeutics which are essential to individualize treatment and help patients to not only resolve symptoms, but create constitutional change needed for physical, emotional and spiritual wellness.

Our Programs

I started the herbalist training program at David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies in 2008 with only a very basic understanding of natural healing and herbalism. I can honestly say that I was astounded at the education I received not only on 400+ plants, their therapeutic uses and botanical make-up, but through David’s incredible knowledge of diseases and their treatments. His clinical expertise blended with his ability to bridge the gap between western medicine and traditional systems provides an invaluable, real-world approach to treating clients who are often working with practitioners from both areas. The field of herbalism is vast but David’s program pulls it together in a way that gave me confidence to start my own practice soon after graduating. To anyone who wants an intense, comprehensive study of herbalism, I recommend these program without hesitation.

Wendy Whiting | Class of 2010