Medicines From the Earth – May 16-18, 2025

Dates: May 16 – 18, 2025

Location: Lake Junaluska Conference Center in Lake Junaluska, NC

Intensive: Menopause as a Neuroinflammatory and Hormonal Event with Wendy Warner, MD, ABIHM, IFMCP

Keynote with Kiva Rose (title/topic TBA)

Speaker List (not yet finalized): Lise Alschuler; Teresa Boardwine; Sam Coffman; Doug and Todd Elliot; Tesia Love; Kat Maier; Jim McDonald; Kenneth Proefrock; Kiva Rose; CoreyPine Shane; Katie Stage; Wendy Warner; and David Winston

This is an exceptional, well-structured course on the systematic use of herbs to improve health. Although I am a former chemistry-teacher and current engineer, I had been studying herbal medicine independently for nearly 15 years before taking this course. My goal was to gain some additional background in order to teach about the medicinal uses of herbs. The two-year course has sparked my interest to the point where I am now interested in seeing clients. I have long regarded herbs as far more than alternative medicine; they should be a significant part of mainstream medicine. This course goes a long way toward making that happen. The use of standard medical terminology, scientific evidence, and a comprehensive, systematic approach makes this course a rigorous, solid foundation upon which to build your skills. Most importantly, however, David’s rational, evidence-based approach and extensive experience keep the course exciting while equipping the students with the skills necessary to properly evaluate research and think about herbal medicine critically and objectively.

Andrew Snyder | Class of 2014