A new A&P course, presented by Wendy Warner, MD, ABIHM, IFMCP and Andrew Appello, DACM, MSN, L.Ac., APN, RH(AHG)!

Our very own Wendy Warner, MD, ABIHM, IFMCP and Andrew Appello, DACM, MSN, L.Ac., APN, RH(AHG), have just launched their amazing A&P course, available here! They are wonderful teachers and have a depth of knowledge on anatomy and physiology (as well as many other topics), especially as it pertains to clinical practice, that few others can offer.  We believe you will find this class not only highly educational but deeply relevant to becoming a clinical herbalist.

Andrew Appello

The two year course in Clinical Herbalism is truly a treasure trove of information. For anyone interested in herbalism take this course you will not be sorry. David Winston is encyclopedic with his knowledge. David is very demanding, for good reasons. He only wants the best. Wait until he teaches the Native American portion of the course, you will see another side of him. The course is very well rounded: botany, chemistry, traditional uses, and the extensive materia medica. You will be sitting in class with doctors, chemists, farmers, therapists, grandmothers, plant lovers, you name it! This course was simply awesome!!!

Tiffany Robbins | Class of 2014