A new A&P course, presented by Wendy Warner, MD, ABIHM, IFMCP and Andrew Appello, DACM, MSN, L.Ac., APN, RH(AHG)!

Our very own Wendy Warner, MD, ABIHM, IFMCP and Andrew Appello, DACM, MSN, L.Ac., APN, RH(AHG), have just launched their amazing A&P course, available here! They are wonderful teachers and have a depth of knowledge on anatomy and physiology (as well as many other topics), especially as it pertains to clinical practice, that few others can offer.  We believe you will find this class not only highly educational but deeply relevant to becoming a clinical herbalist.

Andrew Appello

My experience with David Winston’s online clinical herbalism course was fantastic! David is thorough, professional and honest about his knowledge and experience with the herbal world. The Materia Medica was extensive and very comprehensive. His ability to compile massive amounts of clinical and historic information on the uses, contraindications, dosages along with climate and anecdotes on the 100’s of herbs in the materia medica is a continued wonder to me. I honor his dedication to the preservation and expansion of Herbalism and over the 3 years of study with him have grown to trust his opinion which was always clearly stated if it was either his opinion and/or based on some experience or clinical trials. His clarity and dedication is to be commended. I highly recommend this course.

Beth Power | Class of 2009